Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tone and Color

The Daeyang Gallery and House, by Steven Holl

How TONE is operating: Tone is defining the spaces of the building in this case. The interiors of the building are lighter in tone and more inviting while the exteriors of the building is darker and defines the boundaries of the spaces. The darkest parts with the heaviest tone is where the roof sits on the building defining the vertical boundaries, separating it from the sky.

The Daeyang Gallery and House, by Steven Holl

How Tone is interacting: Tone and shape are the two primary forces in these images. From the perspective of the viewer in the image to the right triangular shapes can be seen as the combination of reflection and vanishing points on the horizon creates the perception of convergence. The light interior spaces are clearly defined against the dark separating angles of the roof, reflected also in the pool. The patterns of the material of the interior along with the light on the ceiling creates a mosaic, tile like pattern of tone on the interior.

How Color is Operating: Color or Hue is one of the most defining visual elements in this design. Color clearly separates the  different spaces in the design. Warm light wood hues define the interior spaces, while blues and greens define the pool and outdoor areas depending on time or viewing angle. Redish copper Hues separate the exterior and roof elements.

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