Thursday, September 13, 2012

Design Meaning- Exercise 1
1. These electronic cigarettes or "e-cigs" are made to look like real cigarettes. By Making them look like real cigarettes smokers are able to use these in place of smoking to deliver nicotine by inhaling through them. By making them look like traditional cigarettes users are able to use them to visually and habitually replace real cigarettes with these safer alternatives and can use them as a method to quit smoking.

2. Although these e-cigarettes have the same shape as a tobacco cigarette they differ in the fact that these e-cigs light up only when inhaled by the user. The tip of the "cigarette" lights up blue to both remind the user of a cigarette but differentiate it from a tradition tobacco cigarette which would light up red.Sometimes the band around where the filter area would be will also light up.

3. Symbol for an e-cigarette. Using the traditional symbol for a cigarette except for making the cigarette. By replacing the standard symbol for smoking with a battery this lets the viewer associate the old cigarette sign as well as the symbol for batteries. The combination of these two commonly used symbols implies that electronic cigarettes would be permitted in this area.

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